+91-9784211114 , +91-291-2731555   gdmcmt07@gmail.com
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There are two primary choices in life: To accept conditions as they exist, or accept the responsibilities for changing them. I would very often go for the later, as change is life. I read somewhere” You can’t jump in the same river twice.” The line has inspired me a lot and got to learn to realize the importance of time in life. I always want my students to sense their potentialities and do the best to carry it out to show the world a man having a universe of hopes within. I want students to be skilled in multidimensional way with an emphasis on perpetually tuned cognitive performance in a life like environment.
G.D Memorial College of Management and Technology in it the highest standards of academic rigor with practical understanding of competitive world.
We are committed to inculcate the right attitude, develop the appropriate skills & impart comprehensive & rigorous knowledge for the students to develop into effective professionals. Finally I wish everybody to crown the field they are sent for. Dr. Rekha Chouhan PRINCIPAL

Dr. Rekha Chouhan

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